Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cool Tool Number 2

For this week's cool tool, I picked Bubbl.us. This would be great to use in a younger classroom to help students connect certain words or pictures to a main idea or category. ( here is the link https://bubbl.us/mindmap ). I know that Ohio Standard for Kindergarten, students must read one-syllable and often-heard words by sight. In first grade, they must demonstrate a growing stock of sight words and by grade two they must read regularly spelled multi-syllable words by sight. (http://www.ohiorc.org/standards/ohio/item/englishlanguagearts/gli/34.aspx) This tool makes it easier for students to visually see a main category and its components. I can print one off for reach student to use daily and they can go back to it as a guide if they are ever stuck. It's important that students know their sight words from the beginning and will help them later on. Students could also use this tool, maybe with the help of another student or an adult. They could also use it alone after it was demonstrated to them step by step. It's easy to use because there's only a few buttons to choose from. They could even draw one out instead of using a computer and using this website. As a teacher I could use colors of the rainbow, types of chores, or even types of animals. There are endless possibilities when it comes to Bubble.us.

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