Philosophy of teaching

This educational technology course not only taught me how many types of technology a teacher can use in a classroom, but also how beneficial it is to have and to use, especially in the 21st century. Technology takes teaching and learning to a whole other level and opens up so many doors. I've taken multiple online courses before and love every aspect about it. It allows me to do it when I can and when I want to. Technology has evolved a tremendous amount and it would be silly to not incorporate it into the classroom. It allows students to come home from school and work on whatever they have and it also allows parents to be more involved as well. As an educator, it is very critical to be up to date on the best and newest ways to teach my students in the most effective way possible.

Technology helps me as a teacher, record my students year and reflect on how far they've come. I want to incorporate blogs so I can easily track their progress. I want my students to leave the classroom with a good understand of who they are and how they can better themselves as a whole and I believe using technology like Blogger can accomplish that. 

I do believe face-to-face contact is important for different parts of learning, but with technology, it allows me to give options to my students with differentiated instruction. It allows me to teach my students differently and meet their individual, unique needs. To me, this is the most important aspect of implementing technology in the classroom. Every student learns at a different rate and by using different techniques, and technology can can be so beneficial in that aspect. This gives more freedom, and most importantly allows me to be the best educator possible. 

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