Tuesday, February 23, 2016

  • What does digital citizenship mean to you in your personal life, professional life?
  • Have you ever had your feelings hurt by something shared online? Have you ever hurt anyone else’s feelings? What would you do differently?
  • How might adult concerns and fears about the lurking dangers found online prevent digital citizens from capitalizing on the creative and civic potentials of a participatory culture?
https://youtu.be/oCkTmZ0bF5Q and video of Garth Holman and
 his resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BzqJHjI-yxHVaJ_jPioc2rlrYwolAlJj3NdYRIRmvEs/edit )

   " Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.   "

Being a digital citizen means participating in the right manner online or in the virtual world. As a digital citizen I must give my thoughts, opinions, my help, as well as encouragement to others. To be a good citizen online, I must use caution before I post and only motivate or share my ideas to others who may be online as well. I want to leave a positive digital footprint and good digital legacy behind, so even when I may not be around anymore, others can still get online and see my thoughts, ideas, or even receive some educational or even personal motivation. 
After reading this website, http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/Nine_Elements.html I learned just exactly what being a digital citizen was and the nine themes that summarizes it.

I have seen first hand how people's feelings can get hurt, including myself, online, especially in middle and high school. I, personally, try to stay away from saying negative things, or getting into fights online because it never solves anything and has never made me feel better about myself. I saw it mostly in high school after big football or basketball games. I have also seen a lot lately of boys bashing girls and girls bashing girls at my previous high school. Now, I just unfollow or unfired anyone that I see is being negative towards others and that is what I should have done long ago. It is so important to be careful and cautious when posting on social media, especially now because so many people have access to it, like school administration and even future employers.  Check this out to see some statistics about cyberbullying -- Cyberbullying statistics
Adults should be concerned due to these awful and scary statistics. Because of this, they may want participation to be very limited and small. What they do need to understand is how rewarding and beneficial a digital citizenship can be. I believe they should always be super cautious and put trust in teachers to teach them about online etiquette and cyberbullying because like Holman said, "once its online, it stays there forever."

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