About Me

My name is Hannah Schimmoeller, a student at the University Of Akron and plan to become an early childhood education teacher as well as an intervention specialists. Ever since I was younger, seeing my dad as a teacher, I have always wanted to work with kids in one way or another. Babysitting all throughout high school also made my realize that I loved being around kids. I also see the importance each teacher has and the effects they have on the future generations. Without teachers, there would be no doctors or lawyers and I really think that they are not given enough credit. Being a teacher is more than just waking up and working from 8-3, they change lives every single day. I also want to be involved as much as possible in my future teaching district. I am an active person and have been around sports my whole life, so I would like to coach as well. I believe sports is a great tool to help teach discipline and responsibility and overall can make you more of a well rounded person. Seeing first hand what my dad does daily, I want nothing more to help change the lives of students and I am so happy that I found something I'm passionate about.
Aside from teaching, like I just said, I love any type of sport and have been playing them my whole life. I am an animal and nature lover, as well. Without my family, I definitely would not be the same person. I am so lucky to be so close to them and have them as a support system. Growing up with a twin brother was/is one of the coolest experiences, especially having him as a best friend for the last 20 years. I also have an older brother who attends Akron with me, who I also consider one of my best friends and role model. I could literally go on about my family if possible. Throughout my college experience I have learned so much about surrounding myself with good, positive people who support but also challenge me to become a better person and future teacher.  I am SO excited to see where my future takes me and can't wait to become the best possible teacher.

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