Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Major Project last post

I learned so much about yoga during this semester because of my final project. I talked to numerous yoga instructors, yoga doers and watched so many helpful videos. Although I did not completely meet my end goal because I learned it would be almost impossible to do it in this short amount time because it is something that takes more than just a few weeks. Like I stated in my previous major project post, it takes awhile to build core muscles and awhile to be able to balance on your hands. If you have instagram, you should definitely consider following these people-- @kjyoga14, @jessicaolie,  and @the_southern_yogi
I learned so much from watching their videos and reading their posts and I definitely want to be able to do (some) of the poses they can do. This is definitely something I will continue to do and work on! So to end my final major project post, I will post my favorite pictures I got while doing it. Hope you guys enjoy!

(Used picmaker for my cool tool review)

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