Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 11. Blended Learning

  • In what ways have we used blended learning effectively in THIS CLASS? In what ways has our blended learning approach been ineffective in THIS CLASS?
  • What is your philosophy on blended learning? 
  • What was the most striking thing you took away from Stacy's presentation? How will it impact your own learning?
  • Self-selected topic related to Stacy's presentation.
I would completely agree that we have used blended learning effectively throughout this course. I learned about the endless amount of technology, apps, cool tools, and etc. Before this class, I never knew technology could be integrated this much and  be this effective. This class also showed me how to relate material I have learned to my future classroom. This class allows for flexibility as well and it is easy to review or go back and read or re-watch a video if necessary.
I have taken a few online courses so I knew somewhat what to expect and how to do it. I can see why some student could have the potential to struggle though if they have never taken an online course. It takes time to learn and remember to log on and complete assignments. 

I think blended learning, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to teach and integrate into a classroom. It meets the needs of different types of students with differentiated instruction. If you're more of a face-to-face student, you have the option. Like stated above, I love the fact that I can go back and reread or rewind a video if I have to. Everything I have is right in from of me and is easy accessed. Like I've mentioned in previous blogs, it is so important to meet the needs of many students and I believe blended learning offers that. 

I never knew how many students actually used online classes only. She showed us pictures of states and which states have what pertaining to online and it really surprised me. I was also surprised to see that Ohio had a high number of online schools. 

Stacy Hawthorne talked about how a lot of teachers lean towards a station rotation model for their own classrooms. The model she used was so useful and talked about all the different types/models of classroom. I never knew there was much more than traditional or online. For example there is rotation, flex, self-blend, and enriched-virtual. 

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