Monday, March 7, 2016


  • How did/do you see the use of ebooks impacting the writing process? How will that affect students? How will it effect your teaching?
  • What benefits do you see to using student created ebooks in the classroom? How do you see them fitting in your future classroom? What main considerations will you need to make to use them effectively?
  • What was the most striking thing you took away from Jon's presentation? How will it impact your own learning?

After viewing Jon Smiths video about writing and eBooks, it showed me just how important writing is as well as the how affective eBooks have been in getting students to enjoy writing. I believe it will only positively impact the writing process because it helps allow students to create a book on a personal level and helps with creativity. It is already hard enough to get some students to write about certain ideas, or about things that they do not care or are interested about, so allowing them more range lets them talk about what they care about. eBooks help motivate students and allows them to use their imagination to invent a book the way they want to. As a teacher, it makes it easier to read and grade because my student's are writing about a prompt they want to be writing about and is so much more personal. It also implements technology as well as makes the classroom more exciting and interesting. 

The overall biggest benefit of eBooks is that it helps create students who actually enjoy writing and gives them motivation to do so as well. Another big benefit is that it allows the classroom to be more student lead and gives students opportunities to take charge of their learning experience. After watching his video, I will absolutely implement eBooks into my classroom in some shape or form. His video made it seem like eBooks were so beneficial and only helps students in every aspect of writing. It will allow technology to be implemented as well. First, I want to pick a topic or prompt that majority of my student's want to write about, but also give options to the other students if necessary. 

Like I said earlier, I could not believe how beneficial eBooks were and letting students write about prompts they are interested in is. It was so awesome to see a disabled student working in a normal classroom as well and it was so nice that he made friends with those students. I also never knew how easy it was to publish books to a kindle store and it is so awesome to see students lead a classroom and take charge in their own learning. It creates such a fun and exciting environment for students and it can be used for any subject imaginable. 

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