Monday, March 7, 2016

Major Project--Yoga Handstand

Growing up, I have always been into sports and super active, and I have always wanted to learn yoga. Last year, I went to a few classes with my brother and absolutely loved it. Although I do not do it daily, it is something I want to get better at. I started following certain accounts on Instagram, and I love watching their videos, especially the ones they are doing controlled handstands/headstands and it really motivated me to try it out myself. I started attempting headstands over Christmas break. After looking up ways to start, I decided I would try out using my arms and head and work my way up to a handstand. I went to Florida over break so I decided to try it out on the beach,

and as you can see, I struggled a bit, but eventually I got it without the help of a wall to lean against. When I got home, I finally could do it without the help of a wall and I could hold it for a while.
( I made these images on Canva)

Last week, I talked to a yoga instructor back home and she gave me some pointers. I will continue to work on my headstands and handstands over the next few weeks, and hopefully when the project is done, I can do a controlled handstand with as little help as possible from a wall. My next step is doing a handstand, without putting my arms on the ground and only using my hands and a wall.

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